To create a thriving community through education, resources, and partnerships that promote growth and economic stability for individuals and families in Shelby County.
The Community Services Agency is focused on helping people improve their lives through economic security and independence, and on helping our community by creating changes today that will bring about a brighter tomorrow.

Shelby County Community Services Agency (CSA) is committed to helping our community through a variety of programs offering help and support. These programs include rent/mortgage assistance, medical prescrption, assistance with energy bills, childcare, education, and helping improve self-reliance in families and individuals.
Where Does Program Funding Come From?
The Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) is a federal block grant administered through the Department of Health and Human Services and the Office of Community and Social Services (OCS). The CSBG program is a federally-funded grant program created by the Omnibus Reconciliation Act of 1981. In 1998, the Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) was reauthorized through the Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) Act. Periodically a continuing resolution has to be passed in order to sustain the program.
LIHEAP is one of the most critical components of the social safety net. The program provides heating and cooling assistance to roughly 6.7 million households. It is an exceptionally efficient and targeted program, with THDA block grants flowing to local agencies with specific clients on a short-term basis to prevent utility shutoffs or assistance with heating and cooling bills.
We Comply With Title VI
Shelby County Government Assures “Nondiscrimination in Federally Assisted Programs”.
Prohibited practices include but are not limited to:
- Denying a person any service, financial aid, or other benefits because of race, color, or national origin.
- Providing a different service or benefit, or providing these in a different manner from those provided to others in the program.
- Requiring different standards or conditions as prerequisites for serving individuals.
- Locating facilities in any way that would limit or impede acces to a federally funded service or benefit.
- Failing to make allowance for language or educational difficulties.
For more information on Title VI, visit: https://shelbycountycsa.org/en/title-vi